Verbalna i neverbalna komunikacija

Moć Reči

Verbal communication is anything that relates to human language. At first sight, we believe that human language are the verb, the voice, the intonation, the pronunciation of words or sentences, and a specific vocabulary expressed either orally or in writing. This language also includes signs or coded information, depending on the situation.

Ovi različiti oblici verbalne komunikacije omogućavaju dvema pojedincima ili grupi ljudi da komuniciraju, slušaju jedni druge i razumeju jedni druge. Može se preneti u ličnom i profesionalnom kontekstu. 

Šta je neverbalna komunikacija?

Non-verbal communication refers to how beings convey information about their emotions, needs, intentions, attitudes, and thoughts without using verbal language. Non-verbal language includes general behaviour, postures, mimics, tics or grimaces, facial expressions, space-usage, colours we wear, or attitudes. Many signals are sent out consciously or unconsciously by one person and felt by another. This is what makes difference in the decision-making process, during or after the office hours.

For instance, it is the eye-contact and body posture when we talk about corporate behaviours. 

Pravilo 3V u komunikaciji

3V pravilo ustanovljeno u istraživanju koje je sproveo profesor Albert Mehrabian zaključuje da je 93% komunikacije neverbalno, so we cannot underestimate the importance of this form of communication.

Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da:

  • 38% je vokalno (na osnovu intonacije i zvuka glasa)
  • 55% je vizuelno i zasnovano na izrazima lica i govoru tela

Moć držanja

S obzirom da je 93% komunikacije ponderisano neverbalnom, važno je naučiti kako da dekonstruišete neverbalnu komunikaciju to communicate effectively.

 I u ličnom i u profesionalnom okruženju, neki ljudi projektuju pozitivniju sliku zbog koje želimo da ih bolje upoznamo i radimo s njima u timu.

How do you build affinities through non-verbal communication?

We would be proud and excited to work with you 1:1 or in a group, and help you master your verbal and non-verbal skills in order to be in command of your strategy. The world is in rapid development, and we assure you that you need to master your communication intelligence, and become a master storyteller. We help you overcome the internal obstacles, develop better communication with your team and your clients,  and we help you conduct new approaches and stay focused and motivated no matter the circumstances. 

