Terms of Service Site

www.polocomm.com web site is the online information and communication service that is Polocomm realized the purpose of presence on the Internet. By using this site or downloading material and documentation from the site, you agree to the full terms and privacy policies that are specified in this notice. If you do not accept any of the Terms and Conditions, do not use this site and do not download materials and documentation with him.

Restricted use

Content Polocomm are owned by the Polocomm. Parts or all of the web site may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted, published or distributed without the prior written permission of Polocomm, except in the case of downloading information and materials and saving on a single disk of the computer user to personal use.
All trademarks and logos presented on this web site are protected names owned Polocomm and can not be used on other web sites without the written permission of Polocomm. Any brands or names, including name Polocomm can not be included in an Internet address without the prior written permission of Polocomm.

Waiver of rights

All content and information on the site www.polocomm.com are public to the best of intentions, and the Polocomm believe that is correct. However, the party that wants to come in the business relationship with the Polocomm e-mail, or buy some of the Polocomm services, you do not need to rely on the information on the web site but to make a direct inquiry to the appropriate instances in the Polocomm in. Polocomm does not provide any warranty through this web site regarding any service, and thus can not be responsible to direct or indirect damages that may arise from using information from this web site. Information on this web site may contain technical inaccuracies or misprint. Information may be changed without prior notice.


Complete copy content, including graphics, text, software and other materials, is under the protection of the current Law on Copyright and Related Rights. In case you want to publish some of the texts from the site or mailing list polocomm.com, regardless of which media work (electronic, print or Internet media), is required to provide prior written approval Polocomm. Some information on the site www.polocomm.com is transferred with the obligatory links in an appropriate form that is “information downloaded from the site www.polocomm.com.”


Polocomm takes no responsibility for the materials that are made or published by third persons that are related to the link page website Polocomm. If you decide to visit any linked Web site you do so on the basis of their own decisions and responsibilities, and accept the risk in respect of viruses or other harmful elements. Links do not imply the same to Polocomm in any way sponsored or associated with entities that are responsible for updating these Web sites or pages.
Court Jurisdiction
For all the disputes that have emerged from these conditions and the rules of jurisdiction of the court in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia. Polocomm reserves the right to initiate proceedings before the courts and other countries in order to protect their own rights.
