Dunja Polovina Antanasijević is the founder and CEO of Dunja Polo Communications and communication specialist with a decade-long experience in the marketing, corporate relations and media. She is a brand of her own.
Dunja was born and grew up in Vrsac, Serbia. However, throughout her education she lived in the US and Spain, where she learned to master the ideal balance between emotional intelligence, communication skills and business behaviour.
Dunja is a brand strategist and business coach helping leaders showcase their talent in the business market.
Throughout the years of education and professional engagements abroad, she acquired valuable contacts in the media and the public sector, connecting with various organizations operating in Serbia and beyond. Dunja supplements her strategic approach with thorough market and competitive analyses, understanding the needs and anticipating the expectations of precisely defined target groups.
She relentlessly fosters self-improvement in the domains of PR, GR, marketing, and branding — a practice she also supports and nurtures in her team.

Dušanka Mik Glumac
Rođena 19.04.1989. u Vršcu,. Nakon završetka srednje škole, završam BPŠ a potom i grafički dizajn. Pored toga ceo svoj život gajim strast prema vizuelnoj umetnosti i slikarstvu, ali i prema digitalnom marketingu.
Nakon diplomiranja, karijeru gradim kao social media menadžer u više različitih firmi, koristeći svoje veštine grafičkog dizajna kako bi kreirala privlačan i efektivan sadržaj za različite platforme. Moj rad uključuje strategije za povećanje angažovanja publike, analizu performansi kampanja i rad sa klijentima na razvoju brend identiteta.
Pored digitalnog marketinga, aktivno se bavim slikarstvom.
Verujem u snagu umetnosti i marketinga da inspirišu promene i povežu ljude, a kroz svoj rad nastojim ostaviti traga u svetu umetnosti i digitalnog marketinga.
Adriana Karan
Adriana is a huge people – person, skilled in journalism and media relations, and she spent over 4 years working as a project manager in Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy where she learned how to deal with a wide range of clients from all over the globe. She is a focused and committed team player who is not afraid to face any challenge. She is passionate about communication , which perfectly fits in her position in the agency. Adriana is clients oriented and she really enjoys interacting with them in order to provide value-based solutions. Her “no excuse“ mindset and her career objective is to deliver value, and contribute to Polocomm’s success by using her expertise, acquired experience and education. Her colleagues often say that she carries an air of natural spontaneity which makes people around her feel comfortable in her company. She enjoys cooking in her spare time.
Marija Miletic
Marija’s path to the digital world began as a hobby exactly 8 years ago. She is
graduated economist, however her online communication skills initiated her
to further explore and finally start her career in the field of social media advertising.
The social media expert is position that requires a lot of creativity in order to do it you have to
send the right message through visual and textual messages. She says that
the most challenging part of her work is to be able to understand clients’
needs, values and beliefs in order to be able to conduct the right message online.
She shows her desire for progress through following trends on social networks,
direct communciation with client’s and audience on social networks.
Marija is a team player, because as she claims – teamwork is the key to the
success of any project. Qualities such as professionalism, originality and dedication to
work fit her perfectly into the Polocomm team.
She thinks that emotions are the key to successful campaigns on social networks.
“We are not control freaks, but we manage your accounts”.

Dusan Vrucinic
The specificity of his professional profile is reflected in the combination of two seemingly opposite fields and professionals – applied art (design) and social science (management and marketing).
Dušan’s overall practical experience has given him the opportunity to gain insight into the entire process of strategic planning, from an idea to realization, which gave him a great advantage coming up with creative solutions in various industries and business environment. He ‘s been taken different types of projects, including adverts, branding, publicity materials, magazine motion graphic design and wordpress. Dusan is responsible and cooperative graphic designer. Give him an idea, or a goal you want to meet with a product, and you can be sure he come up with some crafting visually appealing. Matching values and vast experience make Dusan a vital component of our company.

Igor Djordjic
He is political scientist by profession, but that only gives him the green light to
be differently opinionated around friends, and to have justification for endless
philosophy about various social topics. His interest in marketing led him to a
much calmer and more creative side of life, and when he realized that his work
completely fulfills him and that he loves what he does, he decided that marketing
industry would be his life career. Previous work experience and education were an
excellent link to step up and continue his learnings as content and art manager at
Dunja Polo Communications. He fulfills his everyday tasks as a Content Manager
and enjoys creating and conducting visual and content strategies for clients
through graphic design, online and offline. His passion for website design
grew with his days in the agency, as he became better and better at it.
He fits just well with the Polo Comm Team because he shares the belief that
“nothing can be done half-heartedly, but concisely and finished to the end.”
Some fall in love with him immediately, while others realize his benevolent
nature over time.
Finally, Igor stands for a person that is loyal, reliable, warm-hearted and
responsible, which makes him a perfect match for the agency.

Vasil Hadji Jordanov
Vasil is a long time Technology Industry Expert. He has knowledge in the field
of developing and deploying intelligent business solutions for small to
medium size businesses.
He successfully provides turn-key IT solutions ranging from virtualization,
private cloud, ongoing security and business continuity planning and execution.
With over thirty years of industry experience and proven track record of succesfully
executed projects, Vasil handles day to day tech operations of several US based
businesses, including but not limited to 24/7 helpdesk, Azure, Sharepoint, 0365,
WordPress, Tier 1 cloud based infrastructure etc. Vasil also teaches a portfolio of
business and technology related courses at several US based universities.
Our Clients

We do nothing half-heartedly / The team that goes all in
Our work is based on a deep understanding of brand building and positioning. Fearless in the face of challenges and always up to date with trends, we always consider your perspective and cater to your needs without fail.
Your brand’s authenticity is our #1 priority. We approach each project with focus and determination, planning the optimal strategy and offering solutions tailored to your business objectives.
Always ready to elevate your brand
We help you attract and retain your audience with clear, effective communication and targeted advertising in traditional and new media.